Saturday, November 10, 2018

Healing From Vaccines Masterclass: Episode 4

Friday Night, Episode 4 was playing



Episode 4 Recap...

Last night’s episode with Dr. Jeffery Knight was a game-changer. He revealed to us how healing from vaccine toxicity can happen, how the body knows what to do when it’s given the right resources and why it’s vital to keep moving forward and hold onto hope.

Don’t miss what Dr. Knight reveals in this episode!

It’s an interview that speaks the truth about how to heal quickly from vaccination damage right into the heart of all of us, and leaves us forever thinking differently. … It’s one of those.


If this series has made a difference in the health of your children, we’d love to hear from you! Drop us a note and let us know your thoughts.



Episode 4 Intro...

You’re absolutely going to love this episode. We’ve packed it full of powerful information that will open your eyes to a whole new level of healing from vaccine damage.

Inside, you’ll meet Jeffery Knight, a doctor who has a heart for families struggling with autism and other vaccine injuries...

In his practice, Jeffery Knight employs a multidimensional approach to healing from vaccines. Utilizing 4 separate treatments, he’s seeing incredible results in his patients with autism. He’ll walk you through some amazing case studies and explain the connection between 2 things you would never think are related, yet can cause the inflammatory reactions that run rampant in patients with vaccine injury and autism.

This module is a powerful message of hope for healing, and Jeffery Knight’s compassion for families dealing with autism will touch the hearts of anyone whose life has been affected by this difficult disorder.

How are you liking the series so far? We’ve had some amazing feedback from our viewers, and it’s been encouraging to know that the Healing From Vaccines Masterclass is making a difference.

Hope you enjoy Episode 4. We’re glad that you’re with us on this amazing journey of healing!


Episode 1

Since most of the docuseries events keep their 1st episodes online, we are going to embed the video here for your enjoyment.

If you want to see the rest, please register to watch the rest of them.


Here is the entire module series breakdown:

Module 1
• How epigenetics, exposure to toxins, and your child’s microbiome can create the perfect storm that leads to chronic disease and neurological injury…
• Your child is beginning the journey back to health? Here’s your “5 R’s” for healing…
• A proven-to-work, 100-year-old remedy that brings your kid’s immune system into balance, prevents disease, and promotes vaccine damage healing…

Module 2
• How a healthy college student who ran marathons became extremely ill after a reaction to vaccines…
• The inside story of her baby boy who slipped into autism after being injected with a large number of vaccine toxins…
• The inspiring story of his road back--including the health regimen that’s helping to heal their family…

Module 3
• How a specifically tailored diet and supplement program can help your vaccine damaged kids make incredible improvements quickly…
• How to stop the vicious cycle of vaccine damage to your child’s nervous system (that could eventually result in autism)...
• Why healing should start in the gut before anywhere else…

Module 4
• How to finally release the guilt of exposing your children to damaging toxins in vaccines and move forward. (Hint: It’s not your fault!)
• The amazing connection between diet and pesticides and the inflammatory reactions that run rampant in patients with vaccine injury and autism…
• Your body knows EXACTLY how to heal itself when given the right resources--and here’s how to start…

Module 5
• How the CDC has suppressed the truth about injuries related to vaccines, including clear links to several cancers (SHOCKING!)...
• The eye-popping correlation between allergies and vaccination toxins (this will blow you away)...
• How a certain brand of bottled water (that you can find at your local store) can actually help you heal from vaccination damage…

Module 6
• How cutting edge techniques like vitamin C infusions, neurotherapy, and “resetting” the nervous system are making a HUGE difference in the healing process…
• Why a certain clinic--where vaccine damaged people travel from all over the world to visit when conventional medicine fails them--is delivering astounding results…
• The #1 thing that’s absolutely required to heal your kids quickly and completely…

Module 7
• How the viruses and toxins in vaccines “light a fire” in your child’s body, causing anxiety, brain fog, and neurotransmitter imbalance which can manifest as harmful behavior issues…
• One doctor’s cutting-edge treatment for calming the immune system and detoxing the body...
• Why even a mild reaction to a vaccine (fever, etc.) should result in immediate action (CRUCIAL to your child’s well-being)...

Module 8
• How innovative neurological therapies (like the “Brain Tap”) are utilizing light and sound therapy to help reverse vaccine damage and treat disorders like autism, anxiety and ADHD….
• The jaw-dropping link between sleep patterns and how quickly your kids can heal from vaccine poisoning…
• If you decide not to vaccinate, how can you protect yourselves legally? We’ll show you EXACTLY what to do…

Module 9
• The 5 foods you should avoid if you’re healing from vaccine injury…
• A vaccine detox treatment (made popular by Michael Jackson) that’s delivering miraculous progress in autism patients, including non-verbal patients developing language...
• How one special therapy is helping to bring healing to even the toughest vaccine damage cases (this is worth your entire investment in the program)...

Module 10
• Why the media virtually ignores vaccination issues…
• The incredibly corrupt process by which vaccines are created and thrust onto your family (get ready - this one will get your blood BOILING).
• Plus MUCH more!



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P.S. Healing From Vaccines Masterclass and Christ Revealed are on this same platform.

