Friday, August 31, 2018

The Most Eye-Opening FREE Event on Cancer this Year (Encore Weekend)

Chris Wark just wrapped up the amazing FREE screening of his SQUARE ONE: Healing Cancer Coaching Program…

And it was incredible and intense! Did you see the whole thing?

If not, don’t worry because Chris is putting it ALL 10 Modules back up online for an entire weekend so you can – watch it all for the first time – catch up on the modules you might have missed – OR watch it all again!

SQUARE ONE delivers real, down to earth information, in plain clear language that could make all the difference in your future. Especially if you or a loved one has had a run in with cancer.

Hundreds of THOUSANDS of people tuned in and the comments came rolling in from around the world – take a look:

Lorenzo Catalano · University of Milan
Thank you Chris. You have the power to enpower people and I really appreciate your effort in offering such a life saving gift to who needs help. Being on your own during the journey you made must have been dramatic, but you are a great person and you went through all the gathering of information and taking action with courage and now you are helping others do the same...a wonderful person does wonderful actions I'd say... You teach great lessons and I am honoured to learn from you. Ciao!

If there were a Nobel Prize for person who created a significant paradigm shift, Chris would certainly be my candidate of choice.

Pamela Stuart
I’m riveted! I’m definitely in for the long haul, and for all 10 videos.

Phyllis Mader Windes
The information that has been presented thus far has been incredible. It is explained so well, and it makes sense when one hears it. I don't have cancer, but do have some chronic challenges. I have begun to make changes. Eating organic, stopped processed food, meat doesn't even appeal to me! Thank you, Chris for making this your valuable life's work. You are a blessing to the planet!

There’s truly not a better program out there for preventing and even healing from cancer than SQUARE ONE – and it’s laid out in an easy to understand format that will have you making progress from day one!

Beginning Saturday, Sept 1st at 12:01 AM Eastern, all 10 SQUARE ONE modules will be back LIVE for just 72 hours - And it’s still 100% free for you to watch.

Then get ready for some life-changing information!

P.S. Just in case you want to see what’s in store… here are ALL the modules!

Remember, it all starts at 12:01am EST Saturday September 1st and ENDS Monday September 3rd at Midnight Pacific.

Module 1: First Things First
Module 2: Why You Have Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes
Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1
Module 4: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2
Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body & Your Environment
Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress & Heal your Heart
Module 7: Spiritual Healing
Module 8: How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing
Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas and Supplements
Module 10: How to Test & Monitor Your Progress


Affiliates are always welcome to join. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for these amazing events. Affiliates are influential persons who promote these events/community for commissions, like bloggers, speakers and health professionals. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts. You help us to help others too.

Help others by spreading the word about these amazing online summit events.  Become an affiliate for Chris Wark's Square One Program.



The Daily Messenger: Patreon stabs me in the back, as did google in 2011...

The Daily Messenger: Patreon stabs me in the back, as did google in 2011...: So, to help out with finances which dwindle more by the month, making what I do - giving the world the truth of earth, mostly evil as done with the bloodline of Satan - the nephilim, as well as the good (

DB at Grand Canyon... ~ Don Bradley - The Daily Messenger


I have 1000+ youtube subscribers, and most of them are robo-subscribers, or bots, of the gamer variety, kiddie stuff, and mainstream stuff, all which are things I've never been interested in.  There is nothing on my channel that should appeal to these types.  My videos consist of cats (ours and my daughter's), homemade slideshow videos, some vaccine related stuff, a tad of health stuff, and mostly trailers from the various summits and docu-series.

My channel is blocked from me uploading or editing any existing videos anymore.  Some kind of automated copyright strikes from 2 trailers which were provided to us by The Sacred Plant docu-series, which were already hosted on Google Drive.  And in order to unlock my channel, they want me to go to online copyright school.  FUCK THEM!  That is admitting I did wrong, when The Sacred Plant had given us permission to use the ad creatives to begin with.  So on other posts, I went to their drive and found embed code from THEM.  So YouTube/Google can shove it!  So enjoy what's there already.

Ads on here are pretty much the online summits and docu-series promotions, as most folks can't afford to go to naturopathic school, and real health stuff isn't taught in lamestream schools to begin with, so this was the next best thing to that, and all are free for people to watch upon registration signups.  Any $$$$ from those are when people enjoy the free viewings, and want their own copies to watch whenever they want.  But they are always free to watch.  And some of them go overboard with too many re-launches and viewings every year and they all seem to happen one after another, and many at the same time, which can get overwhelming.  We do this because we prefer to stay home and away from the public anyway. I'm a homebody and prefer to stay home anyway, and only go out for chiropractic or other appointments, or on an errand with hubs. And besides no one wants to hire old people like us anyway.  So it's online stuff only or I DO WITHOUT.

Anyway, enough of that.  So to help out The Daily Messenger and the other blogs...

His PayPal account is


There is another way, If you prefer not to donate on-line, please send donations to:
Don Bradley
PO Box 1576
Oak View, CA
