Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Daily Messenger: Trucker patsies Sh'vat 1

The Daily Messenger: Trucker patsies Sh'vat 1: Remember the Trump deception? How the Donald was going to save America and do the right thing like clean the swamp, stop chemtrails, and arrest the bad guys? Then, none of that happened. Then, he could have stopped the steal - he had the power - and instead invited everyone to storm the capitol on Jan 6th, 2021 and let them rot ever since. ...


We, too, KNEW the Jan 6th thing was a trap.  We also knew that Trump was one of THEM when he was in NYC and said ON CAMERA that the children HAVE TO GET THE SHOTS (MMR Vaccines aka measles outbreak scam).  And when he started shilling for 5G and even 6G on his twitter. And those two incidences was BEFORE the CONvid PLANdemic Scam. So we knew WAY back then.  I'll try to locate the video and a screen shot copy of that Tweet.

Regarding the Truckers, we want them to be safe and nothing to happen to them.  These hard working men mostly have families that they can't be with all the time due to their schedules.  I've always loved and admired truckers, and because of them, we have the things we needed for all these years.


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