Friday, June 8, 2018

[Autoimmune Secrets] They're doing it again (encore weekend)...

The Encore Weekend starts tomorrow morning, June 9th

A while back we posted about the Autoimmune Secrets docu-series and how to get in on that for FREE...

Anyone able to watch? Since it's summer and things are busy with kids, vacations, etc. would have been easy to miss it.

But that's okay--because starting tomorrow at 9am, you'll have another chance to watch during their Encore Weekend. Go to this page to find out more.

Encore Replay of Autoimmune Secrets--Check it Out

If you or a loved one are suffering from autoimmune disease, you know how crippling and painful it can be...

But what if all that could be prevented and reversed through little-known protocols?

And what if the truth is being kept from you by an industry profiting by over 100 billion dollars annually at the expense of your pain and suffering?

In this series, you'll see documented science and real live case studies from people who are using these protocols to help fight thyroid disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lyme, and even Alzheimer’s and dementia, plus many more!

Register for the Encore Weekend and Watch at No Cost

The Encore Weekend starts tomorrow morning, June 9th, so don't miss out on a single episode.

P.S.  Affiliate Registration - Second Tier [Standard Link]



Register for The Toxic Home Transformation Summit

Registration is Open for The Toxic Home Transformation Summit

We know that the environmental toxins we’re exposed to are the primary contributor to obesity (have you heard the term ‘obesogens’)? They’re throughout your home. In your shampoos, outgassing from your kitchen cabinets, in the flame-retardant clothing your infant wears to bed, and on and on. It’s takes decades to prove these chemicals are primary triggers in disease. And we all are the guinea pigs.

Did you know that even something simple, such as the regular use of cleaning products in your home, can have as much impact on your lungs as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day?

And that wood flooring and textiles in your furniture add to the toxic load you and your family deal with EVERY day? And if your home is toxic (and it likely is!), you’re NOT very likely to be healthy!

I am constantly appalled that the “big chemical industry” is allowed to sell toxic products with so much documented research against them, and ... they do NOT have to label what’s in them (how’s that for the power of lobbyists)!

It IS possible to learn to comprehensively (and easily, in many cases) address possible toxic sources in your home, and turn it into the “health haven” it is meant to be: preventative, restorative and calming!

Click here to save your spot at the upcoming Toxic Home Transformation Summit, hosted by my good friend, Robyn Openshaw and her summit co-host, Ryan Sternagel.

Toxic Home Transformation Summit

When you learn to remove toxicity from your home, you will create immense health benefits like: eliminating inflammation, decreasing joint pain, clearing up your skin and even brain fog … Even anxiety and depression can lift away, so you get your joie de vivre back!
  •     Discover do-it-yourself “green” cleaning methods
  •     Find health-promoting (and inexpensive!) building and decorating materials
  •     Learn the vibrational frequencies that harm (and heal!)
  •     Get the FACTS about detoxification (this is vitally important!)
  •     Unwrap the real-life “home detox” tips from families who’ve done it
  •     And so much more!
Register today to get several powerful and important bonus gifts such as “The Ultimate Healthy Home Checklist”. This checklist includes everything your host Ryan Sternagel and his family have done to remove toxins from their home. I know this checklist - and the entire event - will support your best life.

We’ll see you there.

P.S. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to make healthy changes to your home -- I hope you will click here and join us today and learn how to protect your family.

Affiliates can register here, if you would like to share this with your family, friends, and loved ones.


Our Spiritual World: They are everywhere...

Our Spiritual World: They are everywhere...: A few Pics taken from over the years...there are millions of this class of "messenger." A blessing to all ...


Okay, the cloud with a cross kinda sorta looks like a lion to me.

Okay, regarding prayer and waiting for a miracle to show up...

When Diana visited us in 2010.  For some reason, was outside and was talking about heart shaped clouds.  And I asked her if she wanted one just for her.  And she said yes.

This is he heart cloud that I stood out in the yard and prayed for to send my friend Diana who was standing right next to me. I asked send Diana a heart cloud too, and said out loud, "SHOW HER YOUR LOVE!"

Witnesses?!  You betcha!  Diana being there as the human witness.  And my camera being the digital witness.  lol

Within a couple of minutes?.... here it is!!!

Diana McClintic yep, I was there when she did that. she has good power of belief in prayers when she wants to. Accept the lady is one in a million with her gift!

Cartoons in the Sky (Mr. Magoo). August 17th 2010

Also, another incident, is cartoons in the sky.  Diana and I sitting out on the deck that day and she says something about Mr. Magoo being in the sky.  So I go grab my digital witness the digital camera, and get to snapping some pics of the cloud.

Cartoons in the Sky (Mr. Magoo). August 17th 2010

Looks like this with a big fist...

Just like the one in the sky!

Cartoons in the Sky (Mr. Magoo). August 17th 2010

What a funny sense of humor!

And I even got a heart in the bottom of the pan when boiling water for tea, and this was what is left of it...

Water Heart

All kinds of cool stuff showing up!
