Wednesday, October 21, 2015

[Vaccination-Liberation] Free Energy is HERE NOW!

To all my friends,

This is the most exciting news yet -- free energy is really here! Some
of us have been apprised of Keshe's work in this arena. It was this
technology that brought down US drones over Tehran, completely intact
and shown in a bunker for the world to see. It was aired on
and right after that, the satellite signals from PressTV to the UK and
USA were blocked. I didn't know much about Keshe at the time. And then
ForbiddenKnowledgeTV aired a lecture in London in 2013
At that time, I knew it was fairly close - the ruling elite would no
longer be able to control entire economies through oil/gas.

AL Whitney has just posted a great article detailing the recent news.

Please take some time to watch the videos of his talk that she posted
and go to

In the Spirit of Truth,

Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307

Tune into "In Defense of Humanity" on
Saturday nights, 8-10 PM Eastern Time

“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”

“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD

To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical
paradigm and why the only truly informed choice
regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the
following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.


Posted by: Ingri Cassel



And THIS is precisely WHY we work from home with whatever we can do.  Affiliate programs, MLM, PTC, Crowdsourcing work, data entry tasks for others, make art for others,  learn new usable skills (like ABC, for example), etc...

As he said, many people can be quitting their jobs.  Leave them hanging.  Any business that wants to stick a needle into me, can go OUT OF BUSINESS for all I care.  If they're willing to compromise my health to go along with the status quo of GOVT CONTRACTS MANDATES, then they deserve to GO BROKE.

And parents needing daycare can always ask and pay a family member to watch their children instead.  That's what I did, and I was a single parent.  My child always stayed with her grandmother or one of my sisters when I had to work at night.  I grew up as a teen BEING a daycare for several parents who worked during the day, around our neighborhood.  It was good spending money for clothes, band trips, etc...


FORGET Permission slips (medical exemptions) from doctors!  Good luck getting one!

REFUSE to contract. It's PAST time to force the liability issue and reveal these govt and physician organizations as the CORPORATIONS for profit that they really are.

Some people are beginning to use The Vaccination Notice since it raises these issues and forces the liability issue. You can ask Ingri Cassel of and AL Whitney of Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines, regarding that, as this is what they suggest to folks now, since exemptions are becoming harder to get, and states like California changed their statutes to wipe out the exemptions. CA will be a medical exemption only state. So that is why more and more are using the lawful notice instead.

Notice of NON Consent (The Vaccination Notice):

Most folks don't understand that the public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically Our Government is a Corporation. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies.

I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their corporation. [See: Our Government is a Company, the Clearfield Doctrine and The Great American Adventure - Secrets of America by Judge Dale

Nuke Pro: Fukushima Is Here, This Month the EPA Shut Off The Beta Radiation Monitors Because Strontium 90 is Beta Type

Nuke Pro: Fukushima Is Here, This Month the EPA Shut Off The Beta Radiation Monitors Because Strontium 90 is Beta Type...: stock here: Folks if you like this type of Citizen Sleuthing and Reporting, sign up as a follower on the right, and do a share on Facebook...