Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Women's Health Secrets | Episode 3

[WHS] Episode 3 is LIVE! (Watch it now)

Episode 3 is live. Don't miss it!

Hi _________,

Just wanted to let you know that Episode 3 of Women’s Health Secrets is now live...

Click here to Watch Episode 3:  >>Female Hormone Imbalance: Discovering How Thyroid Issues, Endometriosis, PCOS, Autoimmune, Fibroids and Other Hormone-related Conditions Can Be Overcome.

You can view it for FREE within the next 24 hours. Don’t miss out!

Episode 3 covers what you must know about female hormones…

And the question: What is "normal" and what is not?

The answers may surprise you!

Along with hearing about the common prescription for women that once doctor says, "should be outlawed". That one’s a doozy!

Among the revelations of this info-packed episode for women, you’ll discover:

  • ARE heavy periods and uncomfortable or painful cramps "just part of being a woman"?
  • How you can avoid becoming one of the 1 in 8 women predicted to develop a thyroid disorder… And how to correct it if you already have one!
  • How to free yourself from conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, and cervical cancer
  • As well as much more…

Well, that’s what Episode 3 is all about…

Why balancing your hormones is one of the most important things you can do, and how to do it naturally!

>>Click here to watch Episode 3 now

Check out Lori’s excerpt from this Episode:

"I had no energy. I couldn't even do the things at my house, I do one thing like wash the dishes and I'd be out for the day and it would just depress me...I felt I couldn't be a good wife, a good daughter, just a good person in general because I was just feeling so awful... it was just really hard for me and I didn't know a way out…" Lori Otto

If that’s you, or someone you know, you WANT to watch this series, and especially this episode!

Our 60+ world-class natural medicine doctors and health experts will show you how you can balance your hormones and protect yourself from many common conditions women often believe are just ‘part of life’. Don’t miss it!

Click here to watch the latest episode now

Wishing you health and happiness,

Lori & Jonathan Otto
Producers and Hosts, Women’s Health Secrets

P.S. This life-saving 9 Episode Docuseries isn’t just information, Christian Helpings... It’s a roadmap for complete body and mind health.

Click here to see how you can get on-demand access to ALL 9 Episodes PLUS $2,755 worth of FREE BONUS GIFTS (for a limited time only). <<


>> Hurry to register now for ​Women’s Health Secrets (Limited passes)

Interested Affiliates can go here to signup and help us share this event.



NC Woman Hears Voices From 5G Cell Tower & Fires Off Reportedly


Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect

Women's Health Secrets | Episode 2

[WHS] Episode 2 LIVE - Doctors’ warnings about dangers of toxins

Episode 2 is live.

Hi _________

We’ve been blown away by your comments... AND we’re both thrilled to have so many answers to your pressing questions in this episode.

Our journey has just begun. We're leaving no stone left unturned!

Prepare for an emotional journey, full of cutting-edge information and heartfelt inspiration…

Click here to watch Episode 2 NOW!

In Episode 2, Reducing Stress and Increasing Energy you will discover…

  • The answer to the question: What are toxic thoughts and can they really make you sick?
  • How natural remedies can cure fibromyalgia, a disorder affecting 5.8 million people in the U.S. alone…
  • How your body’s cortisol response to stress can set off a chain of problems ranging from inflammation to autoimmune issues to sexual dysfunction...
  • How you can stop this vicious cycle so you can breeze through life’s stresses with MORE energy!
  • Plus, so much more...

We’ll see you there (it’s live now)!

Click here to watch Episode 2 now (Only available for 24 hours)

Wishing you health and happiness,

Lori & Jonathan Otto
Producers and hosts, Women’s Health Secrets

P.S. These episodes are chock-full of helpful information—you may want to take notes so you can refer back to points that resonated with you most.

P.P.S. It’s not too late to share the love and learning… Send the women you care about to this link, so they can join in and receive this life-changing knowledge, too >>

Airing on November 26

Episode 2: Reducing Stress and Increasing Energy: the Hidden Causes of Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Thyroid Issues, and the Impact of Your Mental State on Your Health.


What is rumination?
Has your head ever been filled with one single thought, or a string of thoughts, that just keep repeating… and repeating… and repeating themselves?

Ruminating is like a record that's stuck and keeps repeating the same lyrics. It's replaying an argument with a friend in your mind. It's retracing past.

The process of continuously thinking about the same thoughts, which tend to be sad or dark, is called rumination.

What is obsessive rumination disorder?
"Rumination" is called rumination because the act of repetitive thinking is similar to the regurgitation of cud by "ruminant" animals such as goats, sheep, and cows. Depressive rumination is the compulsive focus of attention on thoughts that cause feelings of sadness, anxiety, distress, etc. Aug 1, 2015

Causes of rumination syndrome
In many cases, rumination symptoms begin with a “trigger” event such as a viral illness, a GI disease or changes in the patient's life causing stress. The individual may develop increased sensitivity in the digestive tract. This can make having food or liquid in the stomach uncomfortable.

A habit of rumination can be dangerous to your mental health, as it can prolong or intensify depression as well as impair your ability to think and process emotions. It may also cause you to feel isolated and can, in reality, push people away.

Rumination is a form of perserverative cognition that focuses on negative content, generally past and present, and results in emotional distress

What causes constant negative thinking?
A common cold, exhaustion, stress, hunger, sleep deprivation, even allergies can make you depressed, which leads to negative thoughts. In many cases, depression can be caused by negative thinking, itself. ... These distortions are usually used to reinforce negative thinking or emotions.Aug 2, 2012

Understand your triggers
Each time you find yourself ruminating, make a mental note of the situation you’re in. This includes where you are, what time of day it is, who’s around you (if anyone), and what you’ve been doing that day.
Developing ways to avoid or manage these triggers can reduce your rumination.

How is rumination disorder treated?

Behavior therapy
People learn to recognize when rumination occurs and to breathe in and out using the abdominal muscles (diaphragmatic breathing) during those times. Diaphragmatic breathing prevents abdominal contractions and regurgitation. Biofeedback is part of behavioral therapy for rumination syndrome. Sep 27, 2018

Is rumination syndrome psychological?
Rumination is a reflex, not a conscious action. This problem is a psychological disorder. It may be mistaken for vomiting or other digestive problems. Behavioral therapy will help you to notice the pattern and work to fix it.

Is intrusive thoughts a mental illness?
However, if you find yourself dealing with unwanted, violent, disturbing, or bizarre thoughts on a regular basis, you may be dealing with a serious mental health issue. The two most common diagnoses associated with intrusive thoughts are anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Jul 10, 2018

Can overthinking hurt your brain?
High levels of cortisol can wear down the brain's ability to function properly. ... Stress can kill brain cells and even reduce the size of the brain. Chronic stress has a shrinking effect on the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning.Jul 26, 2016
Cortisol-Ease to the rescue.
From Life Enthusiast

Is ruminating thoughts a form of anxiety?
Rumination is one of the similarities between anxiety and depression. Ruminating is simply repetitively going over a thought or a problem without completion. ... The repetition and the feelings of inadequacy raise anxiety, and anxiety interferes with solving the problem. Apr 20, 2016

Rumination, or dwelling on negative thoughts, is thought to be associated with both anxiety and depression. Women tend to ruminate more often than men, which helps explain the higher incidences and persistence of depression in women. One of the most effective ways to stop rumination is to treat the underlying anxiety and depression causing it with medicine and behavioral therapy.

Treatment options include:
• Psychotherapy
• Counseling
• Meditation
• Yoga
• Positive self-reflection
• Exercise
• Walks in nature
• Medications for underlying anxiety, depression or substance abuse

Obsessive rumination may benefit from Ed Watkins’ rumination-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (RFCBT) and traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which both shift ruminative thoughts to more adaptive styles of thinking. Other interventions that address rumination are mindfulness-based interventions that improve attention control issues.

Try therapy
If your ruminating thoughts are taking over your life, you may want to consider therapy. A therapist can help you identify why you’re ruminating and how to address the problems at their core.

Behavior therapy
People learn to recognize when rumination occurs and to breathe in and out using the abdominal muscles (diaphragmatic breathing) during those times. Diaphragmatic breathing prevents abdominal contractions and regurgitation. Biofeedback is part of behavioral therapy for rumination syndrome. Sep 27, 2018

And how about this?...

2 Corinthians 10:5 King James Version (KJV)
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Important message to the speakers:

About ruminating intrusive thoughts, one very important thing was missed.  Whether you are aware of it, or not, there are microwave frequencies and other means of electronic mind control at work here putting thoughts into peoples’ heads via Voice 2 skull tech.  Many folks are reporting this electronic harassment, the twitching of the head when weird thoughts pop up, which they also reported were NOT their own thoughts.  All speakers have a responsibility to cover this possibility too in your talks, or NO ONE will be thoroughly helped.  This is extremely important!  You all have to look at ALL possibilities, so people can use proper EMF shielding, and take precautions to the removal of heavy metals aka nano-tech from smart dust, which is also in the food and water supply.  Look up Michael Chapalla, Tony Pantalleresco, Marc Anthony, and LookOutFACharlie. It all must be removed from the body in addition to the GABA, 5-HTP, etc...

See this by Mike Adams:  CLAIM: Cell towers across the USA are broadcasting brain resonance frequencies to disrupt human minds, says former DARPA scientist

Magnesium, GABA, Glycine, Page | 11 Amino Acids 101 for Anxiety & Gut Health ©2019 Trudy Scott. All rights reserved. L-Tyrosine, Taurine)

In this guide, you’ll read success stories about how effective targeted individual amino acids can provide quick relief from anxiety, panic attacks, fears and phobias, with some side benefits of reduced sugar/carb cravings and improved focus.

The GABA, glycine and taurine actively boost GABA, the magnesium is a co-factor for making GABA and the small amount of tyrosine counters the GABA so you don’t feel too relaxed

We also cover GABA applications and research related to the gut and anxiety/sleep:
● IBS and visceral pain
● throat spasms with vagus nerve issues (with more in the Vagus Nerve activation interview with Dr. Navaz Habib
● burning mouth syndrome and rectal spasms
● GABA and unwanted thoughts
● GABA and theanine mixture

Does GABA help with OCD?
A regulatory agent, GABA helps maintain healthy serotonin levels and reuptake. ... Though taurine does not directly target serotonin production, it is still worth noting as its inhibitory effect may reduce racing thoughts associated with anxiety disorders such as OCD.

How much GABA should I take for anxiety?
In general, it is recommended that users begin with the lowest suggested dose, and gradually increase as needed. For sleep, stress and anxiety: 100-200 mg and higher doses, in scientific studies. Jan 3, 2019

GABA capsules:


Taurine capsules:

Glycine Bulk Powder:

Tryptophan, 5-HTP

3 Interview Transcripts from The Anxiety Summit
from Trudy Scott, CN

Your host of Anxiety Summit 5: Gut-Brain Axis, Trudy Scott, has selected these transcripts as amazing examples of what you’ll learn over the course of this event. Grab these interview transcripts, and gain insights from Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, Dr. Datis Kharrazian and Carolyn Ledowsky!


>> Hurry to register now for ​Women’s Health Secrets (Limited passes)

Interested Affiliates can go here to signup and help us share this event.

