Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Daily Messenger: All the tow truck companies called by Mayor of Ottawa to tow the trucks off the street have Covid...

The Daily Messenger: All the tow truck companies called by Mayor of Ottawa to tow the trucks off the street have Covid..:   https://www.bitchute.com/video/4RtkKRacznYe/


I reposted (mirrored) this on my Bitchute, because I wanted to add some commentary to it

Like this for instance...


We are unsure how it would work in Canada, but assuming pretty much the same. Contact the CED (owner) of Bonds For The Win!

Bonds For the Win
[A legal approach to forcing officials to obey the law.]
https://bondsforthewin.com/ - They are building a team of professionals to assist law abiding citizens just like you in obtaining and filing surety bond claims against public officials who are actively breaking their oath of office. ** NOTE: You may have to ask the website CEO how this would work in Canada..

The mayor is intending harm.

Get the BOND for the Police Department too. The police officers with the explosives are most definitely intending harm.

The same may apply against the towing companies too, especially if they are licensed and BONDED. Especially since they also intend harm with CONvid.

Use the CONvid PLANdemic SCAM against them since they are pushing the lie.

Surety Bonds are required for every elected and appointed official throughout the United States - including, but not limited to State School Boards, Districts, Mayors, Sheriffs, and County Officials.

It would work against those mayors and other officials pushing this 5G weaponry on us.


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