Monday, April 2, 2018

This insane propaganda campaign only STARTED a decade or so ago

Lynette Kennedy ·

As a retired grandmother/great grandmother I know my generation were NOT pumped full of vaccines from the day we were born!
I'm not into conspiracy stuff but the reality I have watched unfold over the decades -

WHO has been saved and who is at risk of WHAT dreaded diseases?

I grew up in the 50's my siblings and I were not vaccinated along with just about every other kid and we got all the natural childhood illnesses including the measles which were NO big deal, hardly anyone bothered going to the doctors with them, never knew or heard of any kids dying from them.
Today Our living standards have improved immensely even since those old days when I remember the old dunny can way at the end of the backyard and the old ice box.

In the 30's was the Great Depression, no employment, and poverty, no welfare, kids were malnourished with little nutrition, people lived in overcrowded slums with vermin, no personal hygiene, no access to affordable medical care, no electricity, no clean running water, poor refrigeration, there was rubbish & dead animals in the streets.

The baby boomers are still alive and kicking, even the Turnbull's were definitely NOT vaccinated at birth with today's "MULTITUDE of 72 vaccines starting at less than 24 hours old or in the uterus".
Tony Abbott publicly said he refused to vaccinate his daughters (WHY?)

In the 1960's the vaccine schedule was only 4/5 and it was OPTIONAL and NOT from birth and many people didn't even bothered with them.

There were no PRO or ANTI vaxxers (which was recently created by Murdoch's media) because NOBODY cared and people were not running around hysterical absolutely petrified of "somehow catching something off someone or throwing rocks at those people who chose not to vaccinate.

So When did these plagues and epidemics hit us here leaving hundreds or thousands dead in the last 60 years or so ? - NONE that I know of or remember.

WHY has Today's vaccine schedule increased to a massive 72 plus +++ vaccines starting from birth or in the uterus?

Back in the 50's/60's SID's was unheard of or as it was called "Crib death" but it was so rare that they didn't even bother to record it, it's the same with autism, febrile seizures, fatal allergies, childhood cancer etc.
In today's society it HAS now been SOCIALLY ENGINEERED into people that it's just an acceptable occurrence and just tough luck - that a perfectly healthy normal baby can just suddenly drop dead for no reason, or have convulsions, febrile seizures just "coincidentally" after it's been vaccinated!!!
NO that is NOT "normal" - when measles, mumps and chicken pox only last a week or two - the sorrow of a dead baby and autism lasts for a lifetime.
Check out these obedient citizens who once believed and took one too many for the herd only to suffer dire consequences and then get ignored, silenced, punished or shoved under the carpet.

Australia now has one child in 42 on the autism spectrum, some say it's now one in 21 so where are all the OLD autistic people - They do not exist.

Today the "SCIENCE" has NO ANSWERS for today's epidemics except that the pharmaceutical industry is now making billions and their investors/share holders are making millions - Lucky for Mr & Mrs Turdbull.
Wake up! This insane propaganda campaign only STARTED a decade or so ago -


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