Monday, November 30, 2020


A friend and upper classmate of mine had a tragedy, so I suggested he make a go fund me, and provide a paypal link to he can buy himself another home. We too, would also be grateful for any kindness, prayers, and financial help for my friend. His paypal email is:  To donate by check/money order, Mark's address is: Mark Eades, 990 County Road 443, Cedar Bluff, AL 35959 or you can donate via his GoFundMe below.

How I remember him. He also has a fundraiser on FB.

"A huge oak tree fell on top of my camper around 12:45 am. CST. It's crushed the front where the kitchen is and the front entrance isn't there anymore. Glass is everywhere and other debris. Needless to say, it's a huge mess, so i am living in my storage building. Boo Boo is all right; I'm ok, too, thank God. Please pray for me." ~Mark Eades


Donate to us via Paypal:

Fascia Blasters by Ashley Black

Fascia Blasters: Meet Ashley  Black (Inventor of the Fascia Blasters)

I have been using this for three years now.  And yes, along with the supplements and herbals taken to break up all kinds of hardened stuff in the body, this thing does it great from the outside in, while the herbals/supplements work from the inside out.

This time around I bought the Mini Paddleblaster, since I have all the others.


Onyx Collection:
Platinum Pack:
Face Lift Kit:
Baby-Bump Kit:
Back Pack Kit:
The Big Tool Kit:
Quick Start Kit:
Kryo Pack Kit:

And an AWESOME New Product!:
Mini Paddleblaster:


Donate via Paypal:

A letter from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

A letter from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

To all of my patients: I would like to urgently draw your attention to the important issues related to the upcoming Covid-19 vaccination for the first time in the history of vaccination. The so-called vaccines of the last generation of mRNA intervene directly in the patient's genetic material and thus change the individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was something that was Even if the media and politicians downplayed the problem and foolishly called for a new type of vaccine, this vaccination was a problem in terms of health, morals, and in terms of the genetic damage it caused. It causes it and cannot be fixed.

Dear patients, after the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will not be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in a complementary way. You will have to live with the consequences because it is no longer possible to treat you by removing toxins from the body such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, hereditary heart failure, hemophilia, cystic and Rett syndrome because the genetic defect It will be forever!

I mean, if the symptoms of vaccination appear after the mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any therapist can help you because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible, and in my opinion this new vaccine represents a crime against humanity that has never been committed in this way in history, as Dr. Wolfgang Wudarge, an experienced physician: In fact, this vaccine should be banned because it is genetic manipulation.

The vaccine, developed and approved by Anthony Fauci with funding from Bill Gates, uses experimental mRNA technology. Three out of 15 human guinea pigs - 20% - have been exposed to a serious adverse event.

Messenger RNA is the RNA that transmits the genetic code of the DNA of the cell nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm i.e. which determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein attach and act as the template or pattern for the synthesis of this protein.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Covid vaccine is irreparable genetic damage and a crime against humanity.

Is the virus present?
Yes, like many other viruses.

Does it have a cure?
Yes, if you use the right medications, and don't leave your health in the hands of corrupt, commercial health systems.

Are there good doctors?
Yes, and they are many, some of them act discreetly and give appropriate treatments, and some are more daring, and there are many videos in the networks talking about these treatments, and many of them have been threatened, excluded or silenced.

Are scientists investigating?
Yes, and there is a world union calling for more doctors and scientists who are called doctors and scientists for the sake of truth, to expose the falsity of the wrong treatment they provided.

Is it a pandemic?
No, the World Health Organization changed the term referring to pandemic before releasing the bugs in order to stem the epidemic.

Is it harmful?
Yes, like all flu.

If I contract the virus, does that mean that I will die?
No, if you have symptoms, all you have to do is take the right medication from the first day, strengthen the immune system, take anti-inflammatories and anti-influenza, and treat yourself at home.

Can it be prevented?
Yes, to be as clean as it should be, to maintain a high immune system, treatment with ozone and chlorine dioxide, with the preventive protocol.

Is the number of infected and dead due to a specific virus?
No, in the United States it was discovered that any data will in fact be 10% of this number, because the causes of death were other diseases, and the tests are not reliable, as they give false results.

Are they realistic cases?
A person has many microorganisms and viruses in the body, and this does not mean that you are sick or infected with the virus, yet the viruses that are assumed to be highly aggressive show some symptoms in patients (fever, headache, vomiting, etc.), and according to Koch's theory the answer is : No.

Is the virus created?
Yes, in the lab.

For what purpose?
To be a pretext for restricting freedoms, and for changing the current economic system into blind obedience, a blind herd more oppressive and enslaved.

Are many countries part of this harmful plan?

Shall we get rid of this?
Yes, and everyone who contributed to the death and the plan will fall, and they will pay the price for what they did.

Should I be scared?
No, fear lowers your immune system and puts you under mental control.

What should I do?
Protect yourself, and if you get sick you already know how to heal yourself at home, or with your trusted doctor who will not adhere to an abandonment protocol.

Should I be vaccinated?
No, if you are in good health, the vaccines bring chemicals, heavy metals and a series of microbes that will affect your health more in the medium and long term, physically and mentally, it is your body and it is your right to decide that, and about your physical and mental health Do you trust a virus vaccine that was created to exterminate Humanity?

Is this a war?
Yes, and we will win, we need to stay together, wake up others, and give a lot of information


Donate via Paypal:

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Trump And Vaccines

Trump And Vaccines

Forget it! NO THANK YOU!

There is NOTHING great about Vaccines of ANY kind.  Is he on our side or not?  Which of these ingredients belong in the body?

Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Vaccine Morte

The Daily Messenger: Vaccine Morte: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation“ Prince Phillip...

The Biblical MARK OF THE BEAST is now being discussed openly, with all of the same plausible deniability and hollow explanations the devils use to get away with everything else they do, at least where the wicked and the stunted souls of Earth are concerned.

"...the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Daniel 12:9,10 (KJB)

The Bible seems exceedingly clear concerning the fate of those who embrace the Beast System....

Revelation 13:16–13:17 (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Revelation 14:9–14:11 (KJV)

9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.


If I were Trump, I would SQUASH the whole damn vaccine program before it got started.  He's had ample time and warnings about the vaccine dangers.  We, along with many others have tweeted to him the list of vaccine ingredients from the CDC, package inserts, and encouraged him to research each and every ingredient's MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet). If they claim they have it all and know it all, then he should know this.  If I can do it, he can.

This is what we think of your "vaccine programs".

Donate via Paypal:

Friday, November 27, 2020

TRUMP TAKES QUESTIONS: President Trump Answers Reporter Questions for Fi...

Trump did a very good address to the American people.

He totally hammered the fraud. This plays perfectly audibly at 2x so you don't have to spend a half hour on it.

What does this tell you?

Thursday, November 26, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Thanksgiving 2020 and the Spirit of Gratitude

The Daily Messenger: Thanksgiving 2020 and the Spirit of Gratitude: Governor blood drinker orders thousands of "compliance units (armed thugs) out to patrol the streets for signs of gatherings at home on Thanks giving and Christmas. ...

We are very thankful here this day for our many blessings. And we do give thanks for every little thing here.

I have a whole list of things I'm grateful and thankful for.  We both do.

We still have all of our children still on Earth, and as all know, children are the greatest blessing given to us.

We still have our Breezy, although the others are sorely missed.

We give thanks for each other.  Always.

We made it halfway across the country and went to another, which was a long trip, but made it back home safe. Very thankful for that.

Breezy is in the cat carrier while waiting to cross back over. Hehehe.

Got a controversial treatment done that I never dreamed of getting. Have noticed a few positive effects from that for all of us.  Even Breezy got treated, and for free.

Our favorite Daily Messenger is back to making and selling orgone again.  That's an answered prayer and blessing, so yes I have been praying for that to happen for several years now.  Ahem!

While gone on our trip, some of the affiliate programs were still making us a few $$$ here and there, even though I was unable to get online on another laptop.

We still have a home to live in a bed to sleep on, and food in the house for all of us.  Have plenty of good clothes to wear for both of us.  Some gifts, some used, and even a few new things here and there.

We are grateful and thankful for our families and friends whom we all love so very much.

The list is endless, but these are just a few of the MANY things that we give thanks for.

Thank you Father, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit for all of our blessings and for YOUR love.



This isn't science fiction, but science fact. Don't scoff, do your homework. Every one of us needs to know this because ALL of us will soon be faced with a choice that means either way you go, your choice will alter your life. Literally. It is a FACT that the CV vaccine is an mRNA -DNA altering vaccine. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?? You really, really NEED to.

The following is not propaganda, it is published fact, medical fact and it is coming as part of the "Operation Warp Speed" vaccine agenda. No matter who ends up in the Oval Office, this vaccine agenda is coming VERY soon.

The “Human 2.0 CV vaccine” is designed to transcend biology (ours) into technology, to blend human biology *with technology and artificial intelligence. Right now, we're standing at the literal crossroads of trans-humanism, thanks to the fast approaching release of one or more mRNA CV-19 vaccines which are designed to instruct your cells to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. RNA is the coding material that your body uses. It does this through a process called trans-fection, which is also used to create genetically engineered organisms aka GMOs. Transfection can have either temporary OR permanent effects on the genome, and it is unclear how the vaccines may affect the human genome long-term. Did you know that the lead company making this "vaccine", MODERNA, has NEVER created a vaccine before? WHY? Because the company is a ROBOTICS business. However, *this vaccine combines bio-tech with robo-tech. Hydrogel nanobots IN the vaccine.

In 2019, researchers discovered the 2009 swine flu vaccine Pandemrix caused narcolepsy by affecting a non-coding RNA gene that regulates the production of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein that plays an important role in neuronal survival. If a conventional vaccine can have genetic effects, the risk of *mRNA vaccines producing genetic effects is bound to be even greater. The CV19 vaccines currently being fast-tracked are NOT conventional vaccines. Their design is aimed at literally changing human biology, your DNA.

The mass vaccination of the entire US population (328 million) is soon to be underway according to 4-star General Gustave Perna, assigned by Trump to lead this project. The mRNA CV19 vaccine will be the first of its kind. No mRNA vaccine has EVER been licensed before. And, there has been no animal safety testing. NONE. In addition, companies producing the vaccine are immune to lawsuits that might otherwise result due to vaccine injury, which by the way, is true of ALL vaccines and always has been.

Moderna co-founder Derrick Rossi, a Harvard researcher, successfully reprogrammed stem cells using modified RNA (mRNA), thus changing the function of stem cells. Moderna was founded on the concept of being able to modify human biological function through genetic engineering. So, do YOU want to be included in this Frankensicence experiment? Or your children?

All mRNA vaccines have potential safety issues, including inflammation and stimulation of autoimmune problems, as well as edema and blood clots and who knows what else? Systemic inflammation and auto-reactive autoimmune illnesses are NOT insignificant concerns! In fact, these dangers are in large part why **ALL** previous attempts to create coronavirus vaccines failed

Failed CV vaccines in the past have been 100% incapable of preventing infection. What this translates to and results in is this: The CV "immunization" theory presented and promoted sounds okay until you get the disease (*because the vaccines do NOT work), and *then it makes the disease far worse. In one past coronavirus vaccine trial using ferrets, ALL the vaccinated animals died when exposed to the actual virus.

According to Dr. Carrie Madej, animal studies have also found the type of mRNA technology introduced with this vaccine can increase the risk of cancer - like many other vaccines have.

What You Need to Know About the Delivery System:

How is this mRNA vaccine is going to be administered? Rather than a conventional injection, the vaccine will be administered using a micro-needle system. Not only can it be mass produced quickly, but it can also be administered by anyone. It’s as simple at attaching an adhesive bandage to your arm. The adhesive side of the bandage has rows of tiny needles and a hydrogel base that contains the LUCIFERASE enzyme. The microneedles puncture the skin, delivering the mRNA "vaccine" into the nucleus of your cells. This results in synthetic genes, WHICH can be patented. If this process ends up creating permanent changes in the human genome, will humans then be patentable? Patents have owners, and owners have patent *rights.

There is a LOT more involved in all this than a sickness that thus far includes this reality: 99% of those that have had this "illness" are alive. There is a larger, MUCH larger agenda underneath the propaganda. You'd have to be informationally starved not to know this. And, most Americans are! Vaccine manufacturer$ have stated that these vaccines wont alter our DNA, our genome. Dr. Madej says, “I say that is not true, because we use this process to make a genetically modified organisms, so, why would it not do the same thing to a human?" Why would they say this? C'mon, the answer is easy: $$$$$$$$$.

Another part of the delivery system that raises its own set of questions is the use of the enzyme LUCIFERASE, which has bio-luminescent qualities. While invisible under normal conditions, using a cellphone app or special device, you will be able to see a glowing vaccination MARK. As described in the journal RSC Advances7 in 2015, Luciferase gene-loaded quantum dots “can efficiently deliver genes into cells.”

The hydrogel, meanwhile, is a DARPA (military agency) invention that involves nanotechnology and nanobots. This “bio-electronic interface” is part of how the vaccination MARK will be able to connect to smartphones, providing information about blood sugar, heart rate and other biological data. “It has the potential to see almost anything that goes on in your body,” Madej says. This will have immediate ramifications for our privacy, yet no one has yet addressed WHERE this information will be going. Who will collect and have access to all this data? Who will be responsible for protecting it? How will it be used? Also, if your cellphone can *receive information from your body, what information can *your body receive from who knows where? Could transmissions affect you? Your behavior and physical function? Thought life, memories?"

If the changes that happen to humans end up being permanent, the chance of long-term side effects is much greater. In a worst-case scenario, whatever changes occur could be generational because of changed DNA. This vaccine could turn into a worldwide tragedy, the likes of which we’ve never experienced before. We should not be quick to dismiss the idea that these vaccines may cause permanent genetic changes, because we now have proof that even conventional vaccines have the ability to do that, and *they don’t involve the insertion of synthetic RNA.

It seems blatantly foolish NOT to assume there will be significant consequences that follow this "vaccine". The 1976 swine flu vaccine hoax provides a lesson in that the long history of ma$$ vaccination campaigns causes far more harm than good. Do you want to be educated and make informed choices or end up as a sad statistic? You better choose VERY soon IF and how you plan to reject this government mandated "program". Like right now.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Ask The Blogster: How to delete (or change) a Blogger label

Ask The Blogster: How to delete (or change) a Blogger label: This post describes how to delete a Blogger label using the new Blogger interface.   I recently wanted to change one of the Blogger labels...

I need to know how to find the label pull down menu in this new fugly dashboard nightmare.  I loathe this new cartoonish defunct dashboard and especially their excessive use of unneeded HTMl like these...
<p> </p>
It takes me TWICE as long to do posts because I have to go into their nasty cluttered HTML and clean up am de;ete that crap. Because if I don't, I have paragraph spaces in between every line instead of just a line break.  Plus my OCD can't handle this non functional crap

This is totally Unnecessary!

Besides the fact we were gone for three weeks, this is one other reason, why I don't want to bother posting anymore.  My hubby pretty much abandoned his Wordpress due to that stupid block posting and you can't control or do your own HTML in that anymore either. It's only a matter of time before I end up abandoning this blog.  But the posts will remain.

I don't like surprises and don't like change much either.

Our Spiritual World: Our Bodies are Members of Christ

Our Spiritual World: Our Bodies are Members of Christ: 1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. 5I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? 6But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers. ...




You heard right!🚨 Enjoy 25% OFF 😍 your purchases (items not already on sale) during the Black Friday sale!

This would include 25% off the FasciaYoga Ball, the sauna suit, accessories, some KryoPacks, the PartyBlaster and other tools not already sale! 🙌 So you can enjoy SAVINGS no matter what you buy!!

The sale starts at midnight CST! Don't miss the ONCE a YEAR opportunity to get what you need for the BEST 2021 EVER! Amazing FREE programs coming in the new year, so stock up! We sell out every year, so be the early bird! I will be here to support you every step of the way!

Perfectionism is often excuse for procrastination!


The FasciaBlaster makes sense when you can visualize it! In just minutes a day, you too can have amazing FASCIA!

Just like brushing your hair and teeth... now it’s time to brush your fascia! It’s easy and fun! Grab the tools and scrub just like you would with a loofah and brush deep below the surface! Chisel away at your beautiful body hiding below fascia dysfunction!

New Product!:
Mini Paddleblaster:

👇 Black Friday Deals 👇:

Onyx Collection:
Platinum Pack:
Beginner Kit:
Arms Kit:
Face Lift Kit:
Baby-Bump Kit:
Budget Box:
The Big Tool Kit:
Quick Start Kit:
Kyro Pack Kit:

See all the epic deals here 👇, sale starts November 25th!


Monday, November 23, 2020

Caught Stealing $$$ From Activist's Account

An activist busted nefarious paypal activities showing proof of them stealing a $200 donation from his account.

From Jim Stone Freelance...





Here is the video showing them in action with what is endless bunch of CAPTCHAs.


His screenshot:


The Daily Messenger: And at this moment, Monday 4.09PM PDT, Hope dies in America, for America.

The Daily Messenger: And at this moment, Monday 4.09PM PDT, Hope dies in America, for America.:   President Trump gave the go ahead to proceed with transition to biden, the pedophile.

President Trump gave the go ahead to proceed with transition to biden, the pedophile.
President Trump gave the go ahead to proceed with transition to biden, the pedophile.



Went on his twit acct to find out more and he said Will never concede to fake ballots & "Dominion".

Sunday, November 22, 2020

“A Call to Actions” 11/3/2020 - Operation Warp Speed & buried research

Operation Warp Speed:  The Department of Health and Human Services' joint project with the Department of Defense to push out 300 million Covid-19 vaccines by January 1st, 2021.  Seems too fast to be safe. And why did the National Institutes of Health (NIH) pull a research paper only two days after publishing.  What was the NIH trying to hide?

Links to documents:


Saturday, November 21, 2020



Have some overzealous droid wanting to force that "Ronavid-19" vaccine on ya?

Give this 8-page liability form to them and tell them they have to sign or it's a NO!

(It should be a NO anyway, without the form.)  It has been reported by VacLib director as being effective in NY where vaccine exemptions were wiped out.

From this article posted on VacLib forum...

Please share so that we can help save people from these poisons.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Our Spiritual World: Location of what looks like a 8 mile wide "ancient...

Our Spiritual World: Location of what looks like a 8 mile wide "ancient tree stump" - super massive...: I found this ancient tree four years ago on a mission to bust up satanic altars in Sedona!


I remember watching this video a couple of years ago.  These tall trees and ancient tree stumps are on my mind a LOT.

WHO cut down our trees and why?

When he said cedar, I thought of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon.

There are some tall trees (not THIS tall) east of us in MT.  A cedar forest that friends of ours go to often.

I want our tall trees back.  ALL of them. When we are out and about, and even on our out of town trips, I point them out every time. The Pacific Northwest has a LOT of ancient tree stumps.  Most of those look jagged though.  We saw the buttes and mesas in Wyoming last month while on our trip. Once I export pics, I'll come back and post them.

Since trees put out oxygen, and we had a more greater atmospheric pressure, explains longer life spans before the Great Flood.  A lot were wiped out by the flood, but many look neatly cut down as a stump would look after chopping the trees down.  All that oxygen, I can imagine why people were taller back then (pillar of salt Lot's wife around 11 foot tall).

I would LOVE to see the earth repaired and have all this back.  Maybe during the 1000 year reign?

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Further adventures with Don Croft

The Daily Messenger: Further adventures with Don Croft:   A few folks have been asking for reminisces about the early days of the orgone movement. And why not, it should be written down somewhere. I may matter one day. DB...


Ah, those were the good ole fun days.

Maybe one day, I'll matter too.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Positive Ronavid-19 Test AFTER Flu Vaccines

How many, if not all, people who are positive had a flu shot before? And how many other positives are near 5G, towers, & other radiation outputting devices? Like my brother in law who tested positive, but yet his wife (my sister) did not? THESE are the kinds of questions we all should be asking.


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Cleaning Out Sale!

We have extra movies DVDs and VHS that need to go ASAP.  We are seriously downsizing. Most will be sold locally, and what isn't sold locally is sold online. I will ship them, but will charge shipping via flat rate USPS. We have other things to thin out here, but will be sold locally.

The DVDs are going for $3 each.  I can fit at least 3 into a flat rate envelope.
Flat rate envelope is around $7.50 (give or take), can I can fit 3 regular sized DVD movies in it.  So total is $16.50.  So 1-3 movies can be ordered and fit into flat rate envelope

Legal size flat rate envelop is $8.00 and can fit only 6 regular box DVDs and that is FORCING them in there, which means excess taping the envelope.

Medium flat rate box can easily ship 20 regular sized DVD movies. At $3 each, and $15.00 to ship 20 of them, would come out to $75.00. 

Large flat rate box can fit 29 regular sized DVDs, and is $21.00 to ship.

I will ship one at a time, if desired, but the cost to ship will remain the same.
These are the shipping rates:

Locally, they will be sold for cash.  Online via paypal.

The DVDs/VHS will slowly be added to to separate lists here, as I have them separated into a box for that group.  In no special order, except by numbered box. 
That way I can go to box #1 for example to find the specific movie ordered.

So far, I have the first box counted and movies typed into a document, so I can check off as they get sold.  I am doing the DVDs first, and the first list is below.  Many more boxes and DVDs will be listed, so check back often here. If it sells locally, I will mark it sold, but also provided an amazon link for reference mostly, but also if anyone wants to buy any specific movie from there too, if one happens to be sold already. These have to GO. We need extra room to make a possible guest room later on.

To order these via paypal, state in the paypal section of message, which DVD/s wanted, or if a larger order is made, then leave email at the bottom of this post as a comment.

Movies (DVDs) List/Box 1:

1.  Idlewild (Music by Outkast)
2.  Goya’s Ghosts

3.  Meet Dave - Eddie Murphy
4.  The Greatest '70s Cop Shows (Charlie's Angels / Starsky and Hutch / S.W.A.T. / Police Woman / The Rookies)

5.  Crank - Amy Smart

6.  The Exonerated - Brian Deenehy, Danny Glover

7.  Passengers - Jennifer Lawrence

8.  The Dukes of Hazzard (movie) - Jessica Simpson

9.  Flightplan - Jodie Foster

10. Skyline - Eric Balfour

11.  One Week ( A Story of Love, Lies And Consequences)

12.  Love, Ludlow

13.  THOR - Chris Hemsworth

14.  In Time

15.  Wall Street (20th Anniversary Edition) - Michael Douglas

16.  The Benchwarmers

17.  Antitrust

18.  Martin & Lewis Colgate Comedy Hour

19.  Sonny - James Franco

20.  Hanna - Saoirse Ronan

21.  The Adventures of Milo and Otis

22. Watchmen

23.  V For Vendetta - Natalie Portman

24.  Moscow Zero - Val Kilmer

25.  Sex And The City (The movie) - Sarah Jessica Parker

26.  All The Way

27.  Vertical Limit

28.  Crinsom Rivers

29.  King’s Ransom

30.  The Life of David Gale

31.  Transsiberian

32.  Millions

33.  Setup - Bruce Willia

34.  Underworld Evolution - Kate Beckinsale

35.  The Little Black Book - Brittany Murphy

36.  Spy Game - Robert Redford

37.  Slumdog Millionaire

38.  The Break-up - Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn

39.  Two For The Money

40.  Dark Skies

41.  The Order - Jean-Claude Van Damme

42.  The Express: The Ernie Davis Story - Dennis Quaid

43.  7Seconds - Wesley Snipes

44.  Julie & Julia - Meryl Streep / Amy Adams

45.  Messages From The Green Man An Elvincrafted Tale

46.  The Pink Panther (2006) - Steve Martin

47.  The Interpreter - Sean Penn / Nicole Kidman

48.  Guess Who - Ashton Kutcher / Bernic Mac

49.  Pump Up The Volume - Christian Slater

50.  The Bank Job

51.  Bowfinger - Steve Martin / Eddie Murphy

52.  Premonition - Sandra Bullock

53.  In The Mix - Usher

54.  The Sentinel - Michael Douglas

55.  The Happening - Mark Wahlberg

56.  Shutter Island - Leonardo DiCaprio

57.  American Dreamz - Hugh Grant

58.  Footloose (1984) - Kevin Bacon

59.  Surfer, Dude - Matthew McConaughey

60.  War (One Wants Justice / One Wants Revenge - Jet Li

61.  A Very Long Engagement - Audrey Tautou (Actor), Gaspard Ulliel (Actor)

62.  Restaurant - Adrian Brody

63.  Jet Li’s Fearless

64.  Mama I Want To Sing (Patti LaBelle) - Ciara

65.  Assault on Precinct 13 - Laurence Fishburne

66. The Day The Earth Stood Still - Keanu Reeves

67.  The Guitar - Saffron Burrows (Actor), Isaach De Bankolé (Actor)

68.  Marci X - Lisa Kudrow

69.  Salt - Angelina Jolie

70.  Jumanji - Robin Williams

71. The Invasion - Nicole Kidman

72.  The Bride - Sting, Jennifer Beals

73.  Lust, Caution - Tony Leung

74.  Jobs - Ashton Kutcher

75.  Catch A Fire - Tim Robbins

76.  Echelon Conspiracy

77.  A Mighty Heart - Angelina Jolie

78.  Miracle (2004) ( The True Story Behind The Greatest Moment In Sports History - Kurt Russel

79.  Paycheck - Tom Cruise

80.  Copying Beetoven - Ed Harris , Diane Kruger , Matthew Goode and Ralph Riach

81.  The Mask - Jim Carrey

82.  Changeling - Angelina Jolie

83.  The Manchurian Candidate - Denzel Washington

84.  Terminator Salvation - Christian Bale, Sam Worthington

85.  Traitor - Guy Pearce

86.  License To Kill - Denzel Washington

87.  Leatherheads - George Clooney

88.  Blood Diamond - Leonardo DiCaprio

89.  Side Effects - Catherine Zeta-Jones

90.  Wall Street (Money Never Sleeps) - Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen

91.  8mm and 8mm2  - Double Feature

92.  You Don’t Mess With The ZOHAN - Adam Sandler

93.  The Divine Bell and The Butterfly - Mathieu Amalric (Actor), Emmanuelle Seigner (Actor),

94.   Feel The Noise

95.  A Cinderella Story - Hilary Duff / The Sisterhood Of The Treveling Pants (Double Feature)

96,  The Pursuit Of Happyness - Will Smith

97.  Eye Of The Beholder - Ashley Judd

98.  I Wanna Hold Your Hand (Featuring 17 Great Songs Performed By The Beatles

Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Daily Messenger: A genuine ballot, in California, must have this wa...

The Daily Messenger: A genuine ballot, in California, must have this watermark...or its a fraud.: 

Here is the PDF document...



The Daily Messenger: Dems Start 'Enemies List' to Go After People Who S...

The Daily Messenger: Dems Start 'Enemies List' to Go After People Who Supported Trump, Including Fed Judges He Appointed: Giving her allegiance to satan, AOC declares open warfare by the Left against Christians and opposition followers.   For those who either studied world history of the 20th century or lived it, anyone who has witnessed the takeover rule of communists of ANY government, ANY where, knows that once in power, the first things the demonic, godless, bastards do is kill.​ ...



Also, this is a Violation of 18 U.S. Code § 594 - Intimidation of voters | U.S. Code ...

This is unacceptable for a US congress member, but what can you expect from someone who behaves like this?...

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Daily Messenger: Election 2020

The Daily Messenger: Election 2020:   Election 2020 Don Bradley November 7th 2020 Well, what an amazing five days this has proven to be. The deep black wave of satanism has revealed its power and influence extant, in every part of the election. There is something I noticed right off, given my unpleasant background in studying the occult for understanding the adversary. ...

One of my sisters called in on a live video broadcast, and I got to watch and listen, and she had interesting things to say.  Also, my love for 2 Samuel Chapter 22, is because of her.

Also, copying and pasting some of her posts & prayers, which are powerful prayer, and we here are in total agreement with.


Lisa Bergerac
1d · 
Dear Friends,
However, we are now watching news unfold today that is saying otherwise. In fact, I believe Joe Biden will soon pre-maturely announce that he is the next President of the United States. Chaos will ensue.As many of you know, there has been a chorus of mature and tested prophets in America with a proven track record that have predicted Donald J. Trump would be re-elected President of the United States.I am one of them.
Either a lying spirit has filled the mouths of numerous trusted prophetic voices in America or Donald J. Trump really has won the Presidency and we are witnessing a diabolical and evil plan unfold to steal the Election. I believe with all my heart that the latter is true.
You read that correctly.
Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election last night and the chorus of prophets who saw into the future and prophesied it were ACCURATE.

They should not apologize. In fact, in the coming weeks many of them will be harassed and slandered. It will be nothing more than a Satanic attack to rattle them and challenge the faith of the people of God.
I'm prophetically warning you: This is the hour to fast, pray, and stand in agreement with what the prophets have accurately prophesied: Donald J. Trump will win re-election.
You must understand... China, Big Tech including Fox News, and Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all in on this demonic agenda to steal the 2020 Election from Donald Trump.

I cannot even publish this online for fear our ministry will be censored once again. These media outlets are the modern day false prophets of Baal. They are shouting, mocking, deceiving, and taunting the people of God.
On Election Night, when they realized President Trump would be declared the winner, they systematically began to stop counting ballots and started their election fraud.

They refused to be honest with the American people and Donald Trump was right all along. They declared war on the church in Arizona.

Perhaps, the real truth is that President Trump is becoming WAY MORE prophetic than most of the American Church ever has and will be. He is the one who has constantly been warning us that this exactly what was going to happen.
To be more blunt: Civil War was declared last night on American soil. The battle is going to be fierce in the days ahead but I am confident that truth will prevail and massive scandals are about to be exposed.

We are in a Daniel 9 moment where the future is seen, but yet participation is required to see it's fulfillment.
For all the prayer and fasting the Church has engaged in so far for this election and the days we are living in, what we choose to do over the next two weeks could be the most significant in American history.
My appeal to you as the reader is simple: Refuse to be the victim of fraud and deception and stand with Donald J. Trump. Do not give in to fear but rather stand in faith and believe what the prophets have spoken. You will prosper. (2 Chronicles 20:20)
All eyes fixed on Jesus Christ,
Jeremiah Johnson

