Saturday, February 11, 2017

Essential Oils and the Miracle Mindset

We've all seen those miracle healing stories on social media and we're encouraged, yet skeptical because the source site may or may not look legit. You know what I'm talking about, right? Well today I have a story for you. It's 100% true. And, it will show you the power of hope.

You know those moments where everything changes? My friend JJ Virgin was living the life of a celebrity nutritionist and all was well until tragedy struck. Her teenage son was hit by a car and was taken to the ICU. The doctors told JJ that there was no hope for this young man and that it’d be best to let him go. They had given up.

No mother wants to hear this.

I’m honored to share the story of how this desperate mother took matters into her own hands and FOUGHT to keep her son alive. She called upon a variety of alternative and functional doctors who helped turn the tide.

What was the very first alternative therapy she introduced?

Essential oils in the hospital while her son was in a coma!

Now, I'm not saying oils healed him. But they were certainly part of the healing story and SHOULD be part of our stories because they are safe, effective and can help trigger the body to repair itself at the cellular level. Here's part of the story that I read in JJ's new book...

“She poured a tiny amount of the oil onto her palms and began to rub it on Grant’s temples. “As Grant breathes in the essential oils, they’ll go up into his nasal passages and trigger his limbic system,” she told me before moving on to his big toes. “In reflexology, the big toes are thought to reflect the brain,” she told me. “The oils will send stimuli throughout the electrochemical pathway to help it heal.” Excerpt From: JJ Virgin. “The Miracle Mindset.” iBooks.

Here’s an exclusive sneak peak at a new documentary telling this riveting story of faith, survival, and courage.

If you’ve ever fought your own battles and felt like giving up, You Are Stronger Than You Think is the empowering answer. And I’d like to invite you to watch this incredible movie with me during the exclusive free world premiere February 8-17. Please watch the movie and support the message of empowerment this shares.


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