Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Wheel of Vaccine Mis-fortune

The Wheel of Vaccine Mis-fortune

When someone says, "My children were vaccinated and they're just fine," there are a few things that come to mind as a response.

1. I'm so thankful and happy for you. You are very fortunate. My child was not so lucky.

2. Your child is "just fine" but is allergic to peanuts and has to carry an epi-pen? Research peanut oil in vaccines. That's the source of the explosion of peanut allergies.

3. Your child is "just fine" but has asthma and an inhaler in the school nurse's office? Asthma is linked to vaccine-injury.

4. Your child is "just fine" but has eczema? Did you know eczema is linked to vaccine-injury and that's been known since the 1950s? Yeah! It's called "Eczema Vaccinatum." It was first discovered in association with the Smallpox vaccine. Google it.

5. Your child is "just fine" but is taking medications for ADHD and anxiety? Did you know that vaccines disrupt the processes in the body that are responsible for producing neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine - all of which are involved in how a child attends, behaves, sleeps, and modulates his or her emotions?

6. Have you ever heard of anyone dying from an allergic reaction to penicillin? Yeah. Me, too. My child can take penicillin and doesn't die. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other children.

7. There is nothing in medicine that is safe for 100% of the population, yet we are expected to believe we can vaccinate 100% of infants and children as if they are all the same? That doesn't make sense.

8. Vaccines contain neuro-immune toxins, such as aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, Polysorbate 80, Triton X-100, 2-phenoxyethanol, and more. The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) for ingredients in vaccines state they are carcinogenic (cause cancer), mutagenic (alter DNA, which causes cancer), and impair fertility. Yet, if you look at the vaccine manufacturer's inserts for every one of the vaccines that are given to our babies and children, in Section 13.1 it states, "This vaccine has not been studied for carcinogenic or mutagenic effects, or for effects on fertility." So.. while your child may be "just fine" now, the jury is still out.
You cannot inject neuro-immune toxins into an infant's body without there being some form of damage. The difference is in the degree and the timing: Immediate and acute vs. delayed and chronic.

If you still choose to vaccinate, "May the odds be ever in your favor." #VaxxedTruth #Vaxxed #WeAreVaxxed

Thanks Kiersten for sharing.

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