Sunday, July 1, 2018

[The Toxic Home Transformation Summit]: Day 7 - Mold, yeast, viruses (& other pathogens) or heavy metal exposure could be the unexplained cause of health problems!

DAY 7 (July 1, after 10am US eastern)

Today at The Toxic Home Transformation, you'll learn about one of the least talked about but possibly most damaging aspects of what can go wrong in your home: mold, yeast, viruses (and other pathogens) or heavy metal exposure could be the unexplained cause of health problems in your family!

Registration Link:

[LEARN TODAY] Mold, yeast, viruses (& other pathogens) or heavy metal exposure could be the unexplained cause of health problems!


Thoughts and Commentary:

How Hidden Pathogens & Parasites Tanked My Health
with Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP

What you'll learn from this expert talk:
* How Evan became ill, very young (and got well!)
* Common ways to get parasites and pathogens
* Symptoms and tests for bacterial or parasitic infections

Transcript:  Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP (PDF)
Visit this speaker's website

Some helpful things to help protect you, your family, friends and loved ones...

Smart Meter Filter

Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters

Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN
Harmful Frequencies (and How to Avoid Them!)

What You'll Learn -
Electromagnetic fields from wireless communication
How your home’s wiring may be harming your health
Worst (and best!) types of lighting for health

Products Recommended for Protection by Dr. Mercola...

Safe Living Technologies
Acousticom 2 RF Detector 200MHz - 8GHz
by Safe Living Technologies

Michael S. Tyrrell
Using Frequencies in the Home to Heal

What You'll Learn -
How radio, TV and appliances can disrupt your energy
Sound frequencies to promote health and healing
Light frequencies and healing

Visit this speaker's website

Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project - Book and CD Set Studio, Box set, Digital Sound
Michael S. Tyrrell

We will be offering and adding more protection solutions as we become aware of more.

You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to make healthy changes to your home -- We hope you will click here and join us today and learn how to protect your family.

Affiliates can register here, if you would like to share this with your family, friends, and loved ones.



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