Sunday, February 3, 2019

[Toxic Mold Summit]: Days 6 and 7

DAY 06 (February 2, after 10am US eastern)

Today at The Toxic Mold Summit, our experts discuss advanced neuro-rehab strategies, the connection to infections, dental health and men's hormones. We'll also review new frontier information on nasal peptides, phosphatidylcholine protocols and DIY exercises to help recover brain function.

Registration Link:

[LEARN TODAY] Advanced neuro-rehab strategies, connection to infections, dental health and men's hormones!  #ToxicMoldProject


DAY 07 (February 3, after 10am US eastern)

Today's Toxic Mold Summit experts dive into the connection between mold, your immune system, cancer, EMF exposure and alcoholism! You'll receive integrative strategies for using cannabinoids in recovery.

Registration Link:

[LEARN TODAY] Connection between mold, your immune system, cancer, EMF exposure and alcoholism! #ToxicMoldProject



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Toxic Mold Summit

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