Monday, September 2, 2019

Another Innocent Baby Murdered by vaccines!

As long as parents keep presenting their children to the white coats to inject, the white coats will keep murdering their children. 
This is too much to bear anymore. 

Liz Watkins Barton
10 hrs
Shared via @justiceforevee

Prayer warriors we need you again for parents Tayler & Rilee, and their family. I just spoke with Tayler's aunt, Kellee.
Madilnn Janine Ruth Greenlee received her 8 week shots on Friday, August 30th. She was screaming and the doctors said to give Tylenol. She was still really fussy. Saturday morning, August 31st, around 5:30 am, she woke up for a feeding and went back to sleep. Around 7:30 am, Madilnn had passed away.

Please keep this family in your prayers 🙏 and consider helping with a donation at the link provided below.

Madilnn Janine Ruth Greenlee
7/3/2019 - 8/31/2019


Dear POTUS, Q Team, etc...

So are you all going to just sit back and allow this to keep going on?  How many more must die before you all DO SOMETHING?!!

How many?!

It's no wonder why my own daughter and step daughter, too, won't have any babies.  My step daughter lost a 4-month old son to vaccines back in 2001.

I'm beyond pissed off.  I want these murderers to pay YESTERDAY!  I am sick to my stomach.


1 comment:

MessiahMews said...

At what point will the masses wake up and say, “Enough is enough! This is NOT a coincidence!”