Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Vaccine Damage from Flu Vaccines

From Amy Weisler Gibson:

"While I HATE this picture..... this was my aftermath after getting the flu vaccine 2 years ago in October and I still have issues with my face, my hearing and even my blood pressure and heart valves. And yes, all proven to be from the flu vaccine. And while this sucked for me, this is nothing compared to what some people go through. The vaccine is worthless, don't fall victim to their BS. It's all about money, dig deeper, just wish I had prior to being so naive.

This is for those who say bells palsy isn't caused by the flu shot. It's from the vaccine institute. They need to stop giving these period. Nov 1 will be 1 year since my bells started. I had symptoms as far as headaches a week and a half prior to waking up with a paralyzed face. I still have deficits and some will never go away and will only get worse. 😕"

#FluShot #WeDid



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