Make no mistake, this is MARK OF THE BEAST CONDITIONING to get people to comply for the real thing later. They can shove their ID2020, their bracelets, their vaccines, and their entire anti-christ system.
Best comment...
Walking Turtle doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
3 hrs ·
BEST idea: Valley County Health Department can DISBAND. In BOTH senses of that word. DO IT NOW!!!!
Fact: Honest sensible Americans RECOGNIZE a COMMUNIST SLEEPER CELL when it activates on cue to do its intended harm to the Rest of Us. Look out, you neo-Bolshevik creep-um-ups - next thing you know, honest sensible LAWFUL Americans NEAR YOU shall revive AMERICAN COMMON LAW, which was NEVER nullified (let alone abolished) by the much-later adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code NOR the Code of Federal Regulations.
Your own State's Statutes came into being MUCH later than the Declaration and then that "pesky"(SIC!) Constitution. (Mere arithmetic, that.)
So did ALL your schooling FAIL you, ye VIPERS posing as "Public Servants"? Do you NOT hold our National Constitution and the Declaration of Independence that preceded it above all other rule-sets in YOUR lives? Have you NO sense of American History from which to draw in your daily lives? Were you all taught American History by COMMUNIST RED CHINESE NATIONALS in your school and college days?
Or did you ALL merely "OVERLOOK" it all...? Or did you "FORGET"?? Or were you all PAID TO FORGET??? (It's been gittin' uncovered a LOT, that last, you know, lately... Swamp IS DRAINING.)
Was it the Money? They ALWAYS LIE and say it's "not about the Money" and "there was NEVER ANY MONEY", every time that it really IS ALL about THAT, did you know THAT? So WHERE IS THE MONEY?
Reality: An American Common Law Grand Jury CAN and SHOULD git to the bottom of your repression's MOTIVATION that has now been both exhibited and denied by YOU ALL. At your ACL criminal TRIAL(S), EACH of you will be REQUIRED to SPEAK YOUR OWN CASE (any Hired Mouthpiece /de facto/ makes YOU the INCOMPETENT ONE(S) under ACL, did you know THAT?) and EXPLAIN on the PUBLIC RECORD why YOU decided to IGNORE ALL OUR RIGHTFUL LAWS and set YOURSELVES up as self-appointed and -anointed TYRANTS over all the Rest of Us. Threatening, Law-degrading FLYERS AND ALL.
Your LOCAL PEERS shall decide what YOU shall be CHARGED WITH, come any such ACL Criminal Trial, post-Indictment. For the sake of your Mental Comfort, let alone your souls' sakes, Yours Truly MIGHT wish to hope that the agreed-on charge is no degree of TREASON. But facts are facts, Law is Law and NO collective body of Agency Regulations *IS* truly LAW. (Are you all living in some manner of "Post-Truth" /bubble/ or something?)
Bet ya' don't know any part of the what, where nor why of all this. But you can still study the Constitution /yourselves/ to LEARN all that. Yours Truly is NOT your American History 101 Professor, FOOLS. You ALREADY have enough clues embedded within this little screed to go out and EDUCATE YOURSELVES ARIGHT before REAL LAWFUL TROUBLE for YOU ALL falls in your own collective laps.
Opinion: That sure was one shameful power grab you all did with those STINKING wristbands and LYING UNLAWFUL flyers. Only thing WORSE is how you all LIED to cover-up all your high-handed and arrogant mal-behaviors IN ALL OUR FACES NATIONWIDE.
Because it';s the /coverup/ that always GITSya' did you NOT know THAT at the very LEAST? Lawful Advice: MOVE to actually OWN YOUR FOUL DEEDS.
DISBAND FORTHWITH, ye pusillanimous overpaid brigands! And that is all. 0{>:-|o[
Don Skinner doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
4 hrs ·
County Order Threatens: They'll Call the Cops If You Try Shopping Without a Wrist Band! https://youtu.be/B22_hfWbCNU
Matt Smith doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
April 16 at 7:20 PM ·
Want to know how to improve? Read the Bill of Rights.
Guins Pen doesn't recommend Valley County Health Department.
2 hrs ·
The VCHD should move to Red China. The sooner the better.
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