Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Daily Messenger: How can we really know about La Palma

The Daily Messenger: How can we really know about La Palma:  If I lived anywhere within 10 miles of the coast at an altitude under 50 ft above sea level and within 2,000 miles direct course from La Palma, I would make immediate arrangements to even temporarily higher ground. Somehow. Someway. ...


Maybe they are just stuck and trapped there.  I mean, they can't just drive off the island, nor swim off of it.  Getting airline tickets are extremely expensive, and maybe some of these folks don't have that kind of extra money or the resources. Or anyone to help them leave.  If some kindly boat and/or yacht owners would boat them out of there for free, or least a reasonable price, they get them off of the island to safety. That's what I would do, if I was a boat or yacht owner.  However, people on other coastlines fare a better chance of leaving since continents are larger and they can go higher and inland.

But we know that stuck feeling. We are stuck here where we are, because we don't have the $$$$ to move to somewhere else. Thankfully we are far from the coast, but the climate is cold.  I have been begging my hubby for YEARS to get us out of here since 2010.  We are obviously in a way different situation than the folks on the island and coasts, but still I understand what it's like to be STUCK.  When I was younger I never had that much of a problem.  I could just up and go.  It took a short while, but I was able to get up and get out. Nowadays no matter what I do anymore, I am being blocked from doing what needs to be done.  And at every turn too, it seems.  And very few care to help us either.  It sucks being older and stuck somewhere without the good eyesight or the extra vehicle to get things done.  And it sucks even more being unable to help others like we used to. Which I love and enjoy so much in doing so too.

So these island people are more than likely just stuck there.  So I propose that we all pray for them to find a way out, get the help they need to get out of there. and a miracle to just get these people to safety.  Pray for them please.  And the coastline folks too

Being blocked and stuck seems to be a common problem these days for so many people.  After all, this system is slavery and stacked against us.

And about the sad feelings... We have that same crappy overwhelming feeling too.  Family members and friends getting weaponized right and left, while ignoring all of our warnings for years.  People we know  passing away one after another.  Seeing death,and knowing it's coming for more. Yeah, it's a bad and extremely sad feeling.  Nothing fun about any of it at all.  NOTHING.  Like one continuous dark cloud always hanging over our collective heads and getting darker.  Our teeth breaking and falling out, both of us. And me losing my eyesight.  Being stuck in a cold climate, With income and such dwindling now year after year, while rent, bills and groceries go up.  And having no close friends here.  Back where I'm from, I could always get help in a day's time, whether it was to help move or come to an event where my child was performing, or just to walk around the football field for exercise with me so I wouldn't have to do alone.  Back then, we took turns watching each other's children while we either went out or had to work an extra shift or job, or whatever we needed to do in a pinch. We all got it done.  We'd love to have some extra help in loading and hauling off junk, or take the bigger stuff to the thrift store donations, or just some tasks that younger folks could easily handle better..  Like just needing some help with whatever and whenever.

And then we are hearing others go on about fleeing to mountains and going to wherever, and yet all those folks have 3 thousand dollars a month income and/or donations and people to help . Easy for them because they have all their supplies, trucks, outdoor equipments, hunting/fishing/camping gear, vans, RVs and other whatnots because they have the $$$$ to get it done. And then there are so many others who work just as hard and are just as smart/resourceful who have to struggle and it taking an act of congress just to get $5 to maybe buy food for any given day. That same STUCK thing. There are so MANY people who are stuck and suffering with no means or ways out.

It would be nice to see all the people to just catch a break already.  So many folks have an abundance of great and awesome doable ideas, but yet can't seem do anything about it because of lack of $$$$ or resources, lack of others helping. And just maybe some of those folks who need that extra help can return back to helping with something in return and/or to pay it forward somehow.

So let's just pray for each other and everyone to get out of their stuck in a gunk situations and just catch a break already.  especially those on that island and the coasts. And then to eventually spread the help around even more and pay it forward.

Prayer works you know.


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