Monday, March 2, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100,000 threshold -

EXCLUSIVE: caught freezing vaccine choice petition to prevent signatures from reaching 100,000 threshold -

You can sign all you want but unless you get an email sent to you so you can confirm your signature, whoops! it doesn't post or get counted.

Watch this -

Then call, email, fax the White House

Curious minds wanna know if this is their standard mode of operationwhen the petition contents affects a fellow corporation they're in bed with.

Is there anyone out there who wants to continue contracting with this corporate beast that has given themselves authority to forcefully inject you with experimental vaccines?

In the Spirit of Truth,
Ingri Cassel, director
Vaccination Liberation
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
(208) 255-2307

Tune into "In Defense of Humanity" on
Saturday nights, 8-10 PM Eastern Time

“Free Your Mind....
From the Vaccine Paradigm”

“When we give government the power
to make medical decisions for us, we, in
essence, accept that the state owns our bodies.”
~U.S. Representative Ron Paul, MD

To begin your journey on learning about vaccines, the biomedical
paradigm and why the only truly informed choice
regarding vaccines is complete avoidance and refusal, we offer you the
following weblink to well-footnoted articles and resources.


I only posted this to show the rigging of results going on.  They really want their wet dream of forced vaccination.

Seriously, why even bother signing anything in a petition to begin with?  All they're good for is data-mining and putting you on a FEMA shit list to begin with.  Because that's easier for the them to catch all those anti-vaxers.

"Is there anyone out there who wants to continue contracting with this corporate beast that has given themselves authority to forcefully inject you with experimental vaccines?"

Riighttttt !!!  Quit entering into contracts period!

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