Saturday, April 9, 2016

Boom: Another Vaccine Whistleblower Steps Out Of The Shadows

Boom: Another Vaccine Whistleblower Steps Out Of The Shadows

A second CDC whistleblower has stepped out of the shadows to speak up on the MMR/autism link.
This is called the "domino affect." We will see this more and more as the house of cards starts to crumble.

"Somewhere, right now, as I write this, a vaccine expert none of us yet knows about is sitting in his office thinking: “Thompson and Fletcher have come forward. It might be time for me to tell what I know, what I’ve been hiding all these years.” BOOM
~ Carolyn Spyropoulos

"...the whole vaccine propaganda apparatus is like a porcelain vase sitting on a table. And an earthquake is commencing."
~ Denise Willey

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