Wednesday, September 18, 2019

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986

Maya Elizabeth
· 1 hr

This is referring to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act of 1986. It made it to where you cannot sue vaccine manufacturers. It became the responsibility of the US government to do all the proper safety studies.

Did you know that the dept of HHS admitted to NOT doing the proper safety studies for vaccines since 1986 when they passed this act. (iCAN vs HHS, July 2018)

Did you know the US government has paid out over 4 BILLION dollars in compensation to date? ($4,194,495,832.52 to be exact)

Did you know Drs are not required to give you informed consent when it comes to vaccines?

Did you know that the info sheet they give you for vaccines is NOT an insert and does not list all the possible side effects?

Did you know that Drs give you statistics from 3rd world countries to scare you?

Did you now that the Drs receive huge bonus for fully vaccinated children?

Our poor babies have over 72 vaccines on the schedule now with over 200 more in the works. And somehow our children are the sickest they've ever been. This is not a coincidence!!


I refuse to set my child on fire to keep yours warm!

The money paid out comes from Taxpayers.  The pHARMa companies get off scott-free.  THIS is WHY they are getting by with it.

It's time to get rid of this and FORCE LIABILITY back to the manufacturers and doctors who push vaccines and FORCE THEM to PAY for the damages.


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